What is it ?


We Art Partners ensure the co-investors’security by setting out from the first acquisition the general conditions and terms of the resale.


of co-investment

  • Enables to co-purchase one or several pieces of Art.
  • Diversifies the economic and strategic risks.
  • Allows to exempt the money invested from the french wealth tax.

Art in your offices

will give a bright image of you and will make your clients, partners and teams feel confident.

Our commitments

  • Forming a restricted ans selective group of co-investors.
  • Making you invest on a group of artworks mixing recognized signatures with emergent ones.
  • Advizing you in each step of the co-investment: the contrat between the co-investors, the selling procedure, the preservation and the insurance of the artworks.

All criteria are formalized in the form of a legal contract prior to the artwork acquisition: anticipated benefits and performance, duration, number of co-investors, co-ownership relationship.

Contemporary Art

is today considered a safe-haven investment.

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